Robert and Donald finally collaborate their rich minds and produce the quintessential end all and be all book of how to become rich. Unfortunately, it seems the Trumpster spent very little time investing in this latest work. Spouting off the typical nuanced cliches, you can be rich, you must love what you do, bla bla bla. I hate to be a cynic, I love Trump, but like most of his previous works it is unsubstantive and provide no roadmaps to actual wealth. Kiyosaki provides more intimate knowledge on the elusive roadmap, buttressing this with charts and life experiences of triumph and failure. This book proves more ra ra cheerleading than actual substance on becoming wealthy. They lambast poor victims of an increasingly entitled generation and the perils of an inevitably bankrupt social welfare treasury. Trump had even the gall to express his pity on the thousands of schmucks who had paid good hard money at the Chicago annex to just sit there for and listen to him ramble on how to become like him. From someone who read most Kiyosaki books, you will find more useful info in some of the other less popular books when he writes on specific components of how he made his money. For the price it might be worth it, but isnt designed to be that book to make you rich. Instead, they discuss more of the WHY you should be rich rather than the how.